BUILD Your Career With A “Mogul” Mindset
Believing that a job is the only thing that can give you security is an outdated concept. But how do you get started with seeing your career as a multifaceted thing?
So I know that mostly everybody has spent the week talking about Rihanna, and I’m not gonna talk about her performance per se, because whether you liked it, didn’t like it really doesn’t matter in this context. But what we saw on that stage, literally floating in front of us, was an example of what it means to build a multi-dimensional career.
Now, here’s the thing: You may have thought that building a multi-dimensional career is only for celebrities. BUT you have to shift your thinking. The world we live in today is not like the world of yesterday. You cannot count on your job to be the only source of your security. This has been proven time and time again.
What would it look like for you to create security for yourself from approaching your career with the mindset of a mogul?
I have three ideas for you today to help you start to shift your thinking and approach your career from a place of possibility and abundance that you can build for yourself.
Idea #1: Shifting Your Mindset to Believe You Can Create “Security” For Yourself
We grew up with this idea that the path to success included following certain steps. You go to college, you get a job, you hold onto that job for years and years and years.
But as we got into the workplace, we started to see that there were major cracks in the foundation of that thinking. Now, people shift into different careers or shift into different jobs every couple of years either by choice or by force.
It’s no longer the standard thing to be in the same role for years and years on end, meaning that we’re in a space where you have to think outside of the box on this. We literally can’t afford to think one job will be it.
To get started shifting your mindset from “job security” to “I create my own security” is to start taking stock of what you already have in terms of resources, thoughts, ideas, and places where you need to increase your knowledge or ability.
Idea #2: Ask Yourself: “What Else Can I Do?”
The mindset shift plants the seed, but asking yourself ‘what else can I do, what else am I interested in, what else am I capable of?’ is a game changer.
Now here’s the thing: I’m not necessarily advocating for you to take all of your time and turn that into job and work time. That’s not living a fulfilled life. Coming out of the hustle era, so many millennials are still trying to figure out what it means to have ease and flow in life, but setting up multiple streams of revenue or security for yourself is a way to lay the foundation for a life that does have more ease.
Ask yourself today: what else can you do or what else can you leverage?
We live in a time where information is literally everywhere around us, and it is 100% possible for you to get new ideas on different things that you can do with the click of a mouse! We’re an adaptable generation, and it is possible for us to leverage that ability into concrete actions you can take to move you closer to this goal.
One of the easiest ways to get started is to look at your current role with new eyes. What else can you be getting from the role that can set you up to build something later or maybe even become an entrepreneur in some capacity?
It could be that you are in a position where you could go to conferences and meet new people or maybe there are classes that your job will pay you to get. How can you really build things for yourself so that if anything happens, or let’s say if anything happens, but also if you make a decision that you want to live your life in a different way, you’ll set yourself up to be able to pivot and make the moves that you wanna make regardless of what the economy is doing or what anybody else has going on?
Idea #3: How Can You Start Building A Foundation Now?
THIS is the moment when you make moves.
My deepest desire for all of us is to be able to take the lead in our lives, which means taking the lead in our careers and really being able to thrive no matter what is going on!
The simple way you can get started is setting aside some time for YOU. To reflect, think, question. You can ask yourself questions such as:
-What else am I interested in?
-What are other things I want to do?
-What have I seen that has sparked my curiosity?
When you are so busy and you’re on the go, doing your job, or maybe you’re taking care of your kids and your home and your family and all these different things that it is hard to make that time for yourself, but y’all: it is imperative.
Making time for that deeper thinking that serves you is something we need to do consistently. Make the time for yourself to think about what that foundation of security is, and ask what that foundation of security really looks like for you?
She’s a star now, but Rhianna had to start somewhere. We all do. But, when you start with one thing and you figure it out, you can start taking the steps to leverage from there.
It’s thinking bigger, and it’s being able to know that no matter what happens, you got you.

P.S. I love having these conversations with y’all, so please, jump in! I would love to hear how you want to build your mogul mindset or what challenges you are coming up against. What do you need right now to put a plan in place? I would love to support you!