”What Does Success TRULY Look Like To Me?
This was the topic I covered this week on The Fab Life Project. I have always talked about “defining your definition of success” as one of the key philosophies behind living a fabulous life on your terms, but when I was challenged to define success for myself as part of a course I am doing, I discovered that it’s been awhile since I sat with myself and dared to ask what does success mean to me. Somehow, I don’t think I am alone and that is why I’m here, sharing this message and saying let’s do this together!
I know that so many of us have spent the last two years in particular learning how to disengage with the traditions, standards, and expectations that have been placed on us. All of the forced reflection time of the pandemic gave me the space to see just how we are taught to conform to society. Now the challenge is figuring out how to shed the beliefs and expectations that don’t vibe with who we are and who we are still becoming.
It’s a new year, and we are in bloom y’all.
Catch this episode of The Fab Life Project below!