The Energy To Lead

This realization hit me hard. Upon reflection, I noticed that I end most of my work days in a state of mental shutdown in which I am unable to summon the energy to do things to enrich my evenings. I had been searching internally for the answers as to why I have felt so depleted, but this week away let me see it’s not internal, it’s external. 

More Flow, Less Hustle?

I tried to run from it, but like so many millennials, I finally got tired of feeling out of control of my days and my life. After a series of dramatic career events and some personal ups and downs, I finally sat down, paused, and allowed the flow to come for me yet again. 

This time, I finally let myself get caught up.

Baby, I’ve Evolved

We have the technology that can allow us to build new careers and jobs for ourselves. We can be in control of our finances and the way we make money in new ways. We are conscious of our humanity and live with a deep desire to really make the world a better place. 

We aren’t stuck talking about it, because we’re living in a time where we can be about it.

What Can We Do With This Moment?

I know the next day or so is going to have us feeling mad anxious with the upcoming election, and I don’t think there is anything I can say to take away that feeling, but it was on my mind and heart to share some ideas with you for taking all of this angst and apprehension and turning it into a learning moment and a chance to reflect on things you CAN do.