CLASSIC: Battling Mental Burnout

CLASSIC: Battling Mental Burnout

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It’s been months since I’ve written, and weeks of internal debate with myself to figure out how I wanted to write this post.

I always try to bring value and optimism to the table in some way. I’d tried to write this once before with the chipper, “Hey, I’ve been going through some things, but all is well now!” slant.

In the end, I scribbled this out on two sheets of white, legal paper.

It felt more real that way.

Being real is saying that I’ve felt guilty every day for not putting pen to paper, or fingers to keys to write something inspiring, engaging and thoughtful. Maybe it’s that typical Gen Y feeling of thinking we have to be super productive all of the time. Running, running, running so fast that we forget where we were headed in the first place.

For a good chunk of this year, that has been me. Running fast, trying to cram it all it, and feeling guilty when I can’t.

But at some point, I was too tired, and too burned out to really care.

I hit my wall a few months ago.

I was overwhelmed with projects, the effect of what happens when you say “yes” to too many things, trying to be everywhere at once while pushing myself to figure out how to stay relevant in a world that moves so, so fast these days.

And part of it is just the entrepreneurial grind. There is this quote that says something like “ If you want the life not many people live, you have to be willing to do what many people don’t do.”

But I got to a point where I wanted none of it. I wanted everything to just slow down, stop, pause.

I wanted to breathe.

I wanted to take a moment to figure out how to move forward on a path that has no rules, and that I’ve just gotten brave enough to claim as my own.

To write a cheerfully, and try to bathe all of that darkness in an artificial bright light would be dishonest. To dive right back in without acknowledging the brick wall that has stopped me from creating, thinking, and questioning would be fake.

Ultimately, I don’t roll that way.

It took me a moment to figure out what was happening. That all of the sea-sawing in my life was taking a toll. I never really realized it before, but  I crave structure in some capacity, and that hasn’t been something that I’ve had for awhile. There have been some days that I have felt so overwhelmed that I’ve just frozen.

So, where am I now?

On the upside of the battle to get back to a place where I feel energetic, happy, and purposeful. It hasn’t been easy. But I noticed that the fog started to clear when I made a promise to myself to live by these five rules:

  • Keep your purpose front and center at all times so you don’t lose focus.
  • Say “No” to the things that don’t serve the purpose and the vision you have for your life.
  • Strive to listen more, talk less, and learn as much as possible.
  • Ask for help when needed.
  • And always ask for what you want.

It’s good to be back 🙂


Have you ever felt overwhelmed, and overextended? How did you get through it? I’d love to hear about it in the comments. 



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Amber J. Adams

Amber is a writer, creative, travel-lover and podcast host who developed The Fab Life Project to inspire millennials to define happiness and success on their own terms. She is DRIVEN to empower the millennial generation to lead the changes we desperately need in our world today. 

8 Responses

  1. This is a good and timely article.Slowing down truly provides perspective. I have always felt that organizational skills are a great asset for fighting this predicament as well. Excellent read!

  2. I was recently feeling the exact same way; a little guilty, a little tired, and ready to just shut my brain off, and ignore anything related to “content creation”.

    It was almost like my mind and creativity were disintegrating, and I had no idea how to stop it, but eventually I got back into the swing of things when I realized I didnt have to be some Happy-go-lucky being. That I could help people, and spread my message without always being in a state of contentment at all times.

    I actually wrote a post about it:

    Ironically, once I dumped all of my thoughts into that one post, my creativity and drive started to come back, and I was motivated (Once again) to write, send out emails, and deal with all of the various tasks that come with being an entrepreneur.

    It sucks for us sometimes, but I’d rather be burned out and chasing the dream, than bored-out-of-my-mind and living a passive existence.

    1. Thanks Trent for letting me know I’m not the only one. There were many days when I just wanted to crawl under the covers and stay there. I didn’t want to be bothered with creating anything…I couldn’t be bothered.

      I’m checking out your post. You’re on to something with the idea of dumping all of the thoughts.

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